
Thursday, October 29, 2009


There is no reason for this post; absolutely no reason. I am in the middle of some creative thinking, you see, trying to crack a campaign and everything. And suddenly everything’s gone blank – like super blank. Not even a dot.

And what reason can possibly be sighted for a mishap like this? None.

I am supposed to be a creative thinker. Ideas are supposed to come *snaps fingers* like this! But it hardly happens. It never happens. My ideation sucks. Big time.

And I wonder how I’m ever going to correct that.

Well, if you’ve read this far, you have probably gathered by now that my motivation levels are not that great today.

What reason can be sighted for that? None, again!

My body is aching from excessive sitting at one place. In case you are wondering, a copywriter’s job is a sedentary one; not much movement happens, except for the goddam fingers.

But yeah, if inspiration is what one seeks, going out and sitting under the mango tree is highly recommended.

But alas, the picnic table is filthy. The grime has dried, leaving pock-marks and other dried-puke resembling blemishes on it. The ants are having a gala time (at least it’s picnic time for someone) and Paris has dug up the ground under the table, so that if one sits there, one is sure to have mud and dust all over one’s feet.

The bottom line is – the place under the mango tree is DIRTY. It needs cleaning up.

Who’ll do it? Not me. Not anyone.

Let alone the issue of the picnic table. What about the other more pressing problems? Problems which actually mean that something somewhere is not how it’s supposed to be?

We are all escapists by nature. We only have problems; no solutions. No sir; absolutely none!

Which brings us back to problem cited at the near beginning of this post:

I am supposed to be a creative thinker. Ideas are supposed to come *snaps fingers* like this! But it hardly happens. It never happens. My ideation sucks. Big time.

And I wonder how I’m ever going to correct that.

It’s going to be a long day.


  1. here's an idea
    burn it all

  2. @Vimal
    Yeh he he!! I suppose I should. I guess I will!! LOL!!

